Nothing is better than fresh Ice Cream after a long summer day. We fix this when we are on location, air fields, parties and picnics.
[ingredients title=”Ingredients”]
- 4 cups (2 pints) Halg and half or light cream
- 1 can (14oz.) Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk
- 2 tablespoons vanilla extract.
[directions title=”Directions”]
- Add all 3 ingredients in to Ice Cream churner.
- Mix ice and Rock Salt to the churn bucket and turn on.
- Keep an eye on the ice level and salt mix.
- When churner stops, remove the container, then remove the paddles and put into a freezer til needed.
[ingredients title=”Notes”]
- You can add you different flavors, chocolate, strawberries, or other fruits to mix it up.
- FYI: In 2011, our red mixer can handle a double batch.